Moderns Zoology Vol.-I. Paper-B for B.Sc. 2nd Sem. (P.U.) by Ashok Sabharwal Edition 2022
Moderns Zoology Vol.-I. Paper-B for B.Sc. 2nd Sem. (P.U.) by Ashok Sabharwal Edition 2021
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Unit – I Arthropoda
1. Phylum Arthropoda Periplaneta Americana Cockroach
2. Phylum Arthropoda Palaemon Malcolmosonii The Fresh Water Prwan
3. Phylum Arthropoda Characters Classification And Examples
Unit – II
5. Phylum Mollusca Pila Globosa An Apple Snail
6. Phylum Mollusca Characters Classification And Examples
7. Phylum Echinodermata Asterias Star Fish
8. Phylum Echinodermata in General
9. Phylum Echinodermata Characters Classification And Example
10. Phylum Hemichordata Balanoglossus Tongue Worm
11. Phylum Hemichordata Characters Classification And Affinities
Unit – III Ecology – I
12. Ecology Subdivision Ecological Hierarchy And Scope
13. Ecosystem Basic Concepts
14. Ecosystem Ecological Factors
15. Biomes Major Ecosystems
16. Biosphere And Biogeochemical Cycles
17. Ecological Adaptations
18. Population Characteristics And Regulation
Unit – IV Ecology – II
19. Species Concept And Intraspecific Interactions
20. Biotic Community And Interspecific Interactions
21. Natural Resources And Their Conservation
22. Environmental Degradation
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