A text book of Principles of Seed Technology by Dr Suresh Chandra Panwar/ Dr Ravi Prakash Mishra/ Dr Aparna tripathi/ Dr Satya Prakash/ Dr Vikas kumar/ Dr Ayush kumar pathak/ U .S. tanwar and Balwan Raliya
A text book of Principles of Seed Technology by Dr Suresh Chandra Panwar/ Dr Ravi Prakash Mishra/ Dr Aparna Tripathi/ Dr Satya Prakash/ Dr Vikas Kumar/ Dr Ayush Kumar Pathak/ U .S. Tanwar and Balwan Raliya
Chapter-1 Seed Science and Technology
i) Seed
ii) Types of seeds
Chapter-2 Seed Formation and Seed Development
i) Seed Formation and parts of seed
ii) Seed Germination
iii) Seed Structure
Chapter-3 Types of Seed Technology, Seed Dormancy & Seed Vigour
i) Types of Seed Technology
ii) Seed Dormancy
iii) Seed Vigour
Chapter-4 Introduction to Seed Production
i) Seed Production
ii) Importance of Seed production
iii) Seed policy
iv) Seed Demand Forecasting
v) Seed Production Planning
vi) Seed Multiplication Ratio
Chapter-5 Certified, Foundation and Breeder Seed Production
i) Deterioration of Crop Varieties
ii) Maintenance of Genetic Purity
Chapter – 6 Seed Quality
i) Definition
ii) Characters of Good Quality Seed
iii) Production of breeder seed and nucleus seed
Chapter-7 Maintenance and Multiplication of Prerelease and Newly released varieties in Self & Cross-pollinated crops
Chapter-8 Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Maize varieties, Hybrids, Composites and Synthetics
Chapter-9 Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Paddy (Rice)
Chapter-10 Foundation and certified Seed Production of Sorghum and Bajra (Varieties (OPV), Synthetics Composites and Hybrid varieties)
Chapter-11 Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Cotton, Castor and Sunflower (Varieties and Hybrids)
Chapter-12 Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Tomato and Brinzal, Chillies, Bhindi (Varieties & Hybrids)
Chapter-13 Foundation and Certified Seed Production of Onion, Bottle gourd and Ridge gourd (Varieties and Hybrids)
Chapter-14 Seed Certification
i) Phases of Seed Certification
ii) Field Inspections
ii) Field Count
Chapter-15 Establishment of a Seed Testing Laboratory, and Seed Testing Procedure for Quality Assessment
i) Establishment of a Seed Testing Laboratory
ii) Seed Testing Procedure for Quality Assessment
iii) Variental identification through grow out test and electroprosis
Chapter-16 Methods of Drying, Heated air drying system, Building requirements, Forced air
seed drying & Air Distribution System
i) Seed Drying: Principles, Properties of Air and their Effect on Seed Drying
ii) Heated air drying
iii) Air distribution System
Chapter-17 Establishment of Seed Processing Plant, Seed Processing, Air Screen Machine and
its Working Principle, Upgrading Equipment
Chapter-18 Seed Treatment, Importance of Seed Treatment, Types of Seed Treatment,
Equipments Used For Seed Treatment, Slurry and mist-o-Matic Seed Treater
Chapter-19 Seed Packing and Seed Storage, Stages of Seed Storage, Factors affecting Seed
Longivity during storage, and Conditions required for good storage
Chapter -20 Seed Marketing: Marketing Structure and Marketing Organization
i) Sale generation activities
ii) Seed pricing
Chapter -21 Seed Act
i) Seed Act Enforcement
ii) Duties and Powers of Seed Inspector
iii) Seed Control Order 1983
iv) Seed Amendment Act 2000
v) Intelectual Property Rights
vi) Plant Breeder Rights
vii) Farmers’ rights
Annexure-I Examination Model Papers 182
Annexure-II Details of maize (Zea mays L.) field
standards, seed standards and modification of maize field isolation
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